Monday 10 October 2011


"A man's reach should exceed his grasp" - Robert Browning

It feels like forever since I started writing Ravenor. It's a story I really want to tell, a story I enjoy when I actually get some work done on it. But some days I open the word document and just stare at the blinking cursor and feel like the ending is impossibly far away, and that even if I do finish and publish it, it won't be worth it. Nobody will read it. Nobody will like it if they do read it. I don't have the skill for this kind of story. I don't have the talent to even think of trying.

But if you want to get anywhere in life, you have to look your doubts in the eye and say "no." You have to refuse them. I'm refusing mine this week and I'm going to take a shot at finishing Ravenor. I don't think the end is that far away (my word count meter lies, so must be ignored), and I would love to have it ready for publication by Halloween. I did consider subbing it to a publisher, but I think I'd prefer to go indie with this one. It feels right.

So I'm pushing the doubts aside for now. Even if just one person buys Ravenor and says they liked it, it will have been a success. And that is worth working for.

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